WordPress editor controls

Toggle Control – Coding Gutenberg block settings

Adding the toggle control to the inspector sidebar of your block

The Toggle Control is basically like a checkbox, a boolean control, or if you will, an on/off switch. It’s by far the most common control we use when building blocks. It has a boolean value, so it’s either true or false.

Form toggle control

The Toggle Control is part of the WordPress components library. Below is an example of it’s properties:

import {
    //  FormToggle, --- same component
} from "@wordpress/components";

// or
// const { ToggleControl } = wp.components;

    label="Should text be shown?"
    help={show ? "Yes" : "No"}
    onChange={() => setAttributes({ show: !show })}

Here is a full example of how it is used inside the Inspector Controls component inside an edit function of a block:

import { InspectorControls } from "@wordpress/block-editor";
import { Fragment } from "@wordpress/element";
import {
} from "@wordpress/components";

const edit = (props) => {
	const { className, attributes, setAttributes } = props;
	const { show } = attributes;

	return (
				<PanelBody title="Settings" initialOpen={false}>
						label="Should text be shown?"
						help={show ? "Yes" : "No"}
						onChange={() => setAttributes({ show: !show })}
				My Block Content

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